Silo Membership - Renewal


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Have you purchased or renewed your annual Silo Membership yet? Designed to build and support our glass artists, the$50.00 annual fee entitles members to:

  • Free mold library lending. Members may check out mold/s (for a maximum of 2 weeks) from our extensive mold collection. Some molds are reserved for studio use and not available for lending. (Nonmembers will be required to pay a deposit for mold lending.)
  • Free Vitrigraph pulls. Members may take away what they pull from any scheduled Vitrigraph sessions –adding to their “kit box”.
  • Artist’s Supplies – Members receive a 10% discount on any (non-glass/Bullseye) purchases from our extensive collection of artists’ supplies, equipment and materials.
  • Free Kiln/Firing schedule training – Supporting members with home studios.
  • Members receive a 10% discount on display stands.
  • Members receive a 10% discount on any “in-house” classes

Silo “Loyalty Card”: If you purchase glass products from the Silo at other times than our quarterly orders, be sure you have a "Loyalty Card"! The current card should show July 2023 on the bottom right corner. and reflects the current discounts for purchasing in-studio Bullseye Glass products on the reverse of the card. If you do NOT have a card, or the current version, please visit Silo Gallery and Glass Studios to get your card or updated copy. We would be grateful if you keep this card in your wallet to present, if requested by Silo staff, so you may receive Bullseye Glass discounts. Those Artists signing up for Silo Annual Membership will also receive a current sticker on the card, to enjoy additional discounts and benefits.