SAGAG Bowl-a-thon

If you are a San Antonio Glass Aart Guild member you MUST register at the SAGAG website. This is for non-members who want to attend to find out more about the Guild or make a bowl for donation. This is a "drop in" event, so you do not have to show up at 1pm to participate. However, please sign-up so we know you are coming and allow yourself enough time to make one or two bowls. Join us to learn to make scrap bowls and do something nice for others!

There is no cost to this Class as all bowls made are to be donated. The Bowl-a-thon is a hands-on workshop to create scrap bowls for the SAMM Ministry Empty Bowls events to help the homeless throughout San Antonio.

Please sign up to attend, so we know how many to expect.

  • Taught by: Silo Staff
  • Sessions: 1
  • Class time: drop in, come and go between 1pm and 4pm
  • Cost: $0 Free
  • Note: This is to make a bowl to DONATE.
  • Min - Maximum students: 2 - 10

Last year, it was a great success, and we had over 20 bowls at the end of it. Thank you to everyone who attended! This year we have already made double what we had last year, come help us make more!

(1 session free) Beginner

  • Sign up on the waiting list and we will let you know the dates for 2025
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