Cabin Fever Classes

Family Coming soon?

Make plans now for Holiday Cabin Fever Classes. This is a great thing for family to do after a few days of visiting and they are still here. As in our your choose classes, you can choose your project for this class. All classes must be pre-booked, minimum 2, maximum 6 in a class.

  • Sun Catcher 3"x2" or 3"x4" to hang or stand
  • Night Light 2"x3" glass with base and bulb
  • Small dish 4.5"x4.5" or 4”x5”
  • Coaster 4"x4"

Beginner class, one session, 2 hours $60pp.

Classes may be available on other days we are open. Call to check. (512)444-6494

Beginner class

  • Saturday, Dec. 28th from 1pm - 3pm
  • Sunday, Dec. 29th from 1pm - 3pm
  • Monday, Dec 30th from 1pm - 3pm
Enroll Now