Fusing Musings

Silo Family Meeting

Join the Silo Family meeting to talk about glass issues and visit with other glass enthusiasts for this free informal gathering. We get together the last Friday of each Month to enjoy each other's company AND this year we are adding a topic to the event. In January, Elissa will be discussing how to create a glass chain. You can join in person or by Zoom. Zoom family will be sent an e-mail with the handout for the topic.

This year we are bringing in topics for Fusing Musings, check in here to see what we are talking about this month!

If requested, we will add Zoom attendance to our meeting, light refreshments will not be provided for Zoom attendees. If you are attending by Zoom, please make sure your e-mail address is included when you sign-up.

Please sign-up so we can have enough snacks.


All glass lovers are welcome.

  • Mar. 28th, Friday 5-6:30pm Topic: Using Dichro when and where with Nancy
  • April 25th, Friday 5-6:30pm Meet Paul Tarlow and his powder printing machine.
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